Bulstrad dental healthcare is equal to a beautiful smile

Dental insurance

How to utilize your dental insurance


More and more employees get extra medical insurance as a part of their social benefits. packages. They are specifically? specially developed to allow for a broad spectrum of affordable and reliable medical care. More often than not, they include dental care as well.

At Deckoff Dental we know that it is hard to find time for the dentist, especially when the patient has no symptoms. But time just flies away, day after day, year after year. Most Dental problems are easy to diagnose, but are often asymptomatic. When a tooth aches, treatment usually takes much longer, it is more expensive, and sadly, the long-term prognosis is always worse.

Black trash can. Should your bulstrad dental healthcare end up here?


Your dental insurance gives you the perfect opportunity to keep your smile healthy and avoid the pain. Even though medical care is an astonishing privilege for everyone who has it, not everyone takes advantage of it! Usually , it would cover a check-up and a couple of other procedures a year up to a certain monetary value.

This is an amazing way for every patient to get on-time consultation and help, while avoiding pain and discomfort from problems that could have been easily avoided or treated.
It is really easy to claim your dental insurance. Just call us at 089 50 949 55 and schedule an appointment.After an extensive check-up, and if necessary – any treatment procedures, we will issue an invoice for everything you paid for and dental records and claims list. Your insurance provider requires these to reimburse you.

Furthermore Deckoff Dental is a partner to Bulstrad and Uniqa for dental services. The extra convenience for Patients insured there is that they don’t even have to take money out of their own pockets. Your treatment ( up to the limit covered by the insurance) would be paid out directly from your company, and we would take care of the paperwork.


 Dr. Deckoff and Dr. Bozhkova in front of Deckoff Dental. Our practice partners with Bulstrad dental healthcare

It is a core rule of thumb in medicine, that prevention is the best treatment. Make the best decision for your dental health with Deckoff Dental. What are you waiting for?

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